HALYARD* Barrier Arcs & Sheets

Rings Arcs Sheets and Powder designed to protect the peristomal skin and aid in securement of wafer


  • Skin-friendly adhesive barriers can be used under wafer or over wafer to secure edge.
  • Absorbent protects skin from moisture or adhesive stripping and helps extend wafer wear-time
  • Thin comfortable easy removal adhesives little to no residue
The skin around a stoma is at risk for skin breakdown caused by effluent from the stoma and/or repeated removal of ostomy wafer which can strip the skin. Ostomy patients with unique stoma shapes or irregular peristomal skin which can be ‘filled’ with these flexible moldable rings. Ostomy Ring scan be shaped to fit the stoma and applied either to the peristomal skin or to the wafer before application to the stoma site. Precut starter holes can be cut and stretched to fit the shape of the stoma. Ostomy Rings are available in three styles: Conforming (stretchable) Low Residue (Intact/no-meltdown formula) and Dual Layer (two sides have variable absorbency). Ostomy Barrier Arcs can be used under or over the ostomy wafer to help improve the fit around the stoma or to window frame the edges to aid in a more leak-proof edge of wafer. The barrier arcs can help protect the skin from adhesive damage conforms to fit unique shape of stoma or skin surface and provides a water-resistant cover to address leakage concerns. Ostomy patients with unique stoma shapes or irregular peristomal skin which can be ‘filled’ with these flexible moldable arcs. Available: 1/3 circle 1/3 circle extra wide ½ circle and 4x4 sheet. Ostomy powders are used to dry a raw weepy area on the skin. The powder absorbs the moisture from the skin allowing the bag to adhere properly especially if the skin is very moist. Make sure the skin surrounding the stoma is clean dry and free from oils creams and/or soap residues. Untwist the cap to open powder. 2. Apply directly on skin: Dust a light coating of powder onto the affected area brush off excess. For creating Crusting Technique: Dust the powder onto skin. Use a skin barrier wipe or spray over the top to create a crust to protect traumatized skin. 3. Allow to completely dry before adhering appliance. Available 1 oz. and 5 oz. Puff bottle for convenient application.